How we chose our house

How we chose our house

I have already said that when we were house hunting we found the perfect house…and then bought the house two doors down. “Why?” you may well wonder. Well, here is how that happened… We approached house hunting in a very haphazard manner! This...
We are officially First Time Buyers!

We are officially First Time Buyers!

It’s official! Today we got the keys to our very own first home! Lots and lots of keys… In fact, so many keys, we have far more keys than we have doors! Keys we can’t figure out which lock they fit, keys that look like they don’t belong in our...
Here we go….

Here we go….

So here we are…the day we have dubbed “getting the keys eve”. We are just a few short hours away from getting the keys to our very own home! We have gone through the house hunting, the mortgage hunting, the wrangling with the bank, and the wrangling...