Ok ok I know we’ve been MIA for a while (ok more than a while) but we’ve been super busy in the house and have neglected the blog. No need to worry though because we’re baaaaccckkkk…

Now that we are well into the ensuite project (we have walls, a shower tray, plaster, a toilet – well almost!) I thought it would be a good time to show exactly how(and where) we have squeezed it in.

Here is the original floorplan for the 2nd floor.

House two doors down floorplan

See that tiny cupboard over the stairs?

There was originally a cupboard over the stairs. Each bedroom had half of it but it wasn’t really useful for anything as wasn’t deep enough at either side to hang clothes in.

After checking that the wall wasn’t a supporting wall (it wasn’t) we just knocked straight through!

Exhausting weekend but the wall is down! #DIY #firsttimebuyer #firsthome #bathroomproblems #mess #ensuite #dusteverywhere

We planned out the space using very high-tech tools…

Makeshift bathroom walls (position 39/500)!

Makeshift bathroom walls (position 39/500)!

Top tip - use chalk to mark out on the floor the exact measurements of furniture/fittings so you can get a feel for the layout!

Top tip – use chalk to mark out on the floor the exact measurements of furniture/fittings so you can get a feel for the layout!

Then we (well Dad and Craig) started on the plumbing. Luckily the joists run from the front to the back of the house so we could just run the plumbing straight through to the main bathroom at the back of the house and join the waste pipe and drains there.

Next the walls went up.

Finally! Some progress that is actually visible to the naked eye...new walls going up!!! #diy #firsttimebuyers #firsttimebuyer #firsthouse #newhouse #firsthome #ensuite #progress

Finally! Some progress that is actually visible to the naked eye…new walls going up!!!

Dad looking pleased with himself!


Here is the floorplan now that the bathroom is in! We lost a tiny bit of space from the front bedroom (the width of the shower tray plus wall- around 800mm) but we think it’s well worth it to get that extra bathroom in there! We will be putting a sliding door on the ensuite to save even more space!

image image

(These plans are not to scale but you get the general idea!)


We’re not quite finished yet. The plasterer has started and we are just waiting for the Building Control inspector to come out and give us the thumbs up, then the tiling etc can be done. Hopefully we’ll have some “after” photos very soon!
